Bharati Vidyapeeth's

Institute of Management & Information Technology

Navi-Mumbai, Mumbai

Approved by AICTE New Delhi, Affiliated to University of Mumbai
NBA Accredited till June 2023.
DTE Code: MC 3162
Contact Us: 022-27578415, +918657008016
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Code of Ethics in Research Activities

The Code of Ethics in Research is general principles of ethical conduct to guide scholars toward the highest ideals of scholarly research. Our institute has developed a “Code of Ethics” for research which is to be followed by our faculty and students.

Conduct all research activities in accordance with the accepted standards in an ethical manner.
All collaborative research projects shall have a documented Memorandum of Understanding, specifying the terms and scope of collaboration, duly signed by all collaborators.
Conflicts of Interest should be resolved in a transparent and fair manner.
Appropriate attribute and credit must be given to others for their accomplishments and research results which we may have utilized in our own research.
Cite clearly all sources of information and data that we use which are not the results of our own research. Give proper acknowledgment and credit to resource/funding sources of our research.
Researchers shall refer to relevant findings of other researchers, to the best of their knowledge, in their reviews and duly acknowledge them when these works are used or referred to in research analysis.
Ensure that only the correct data, information, and research results shall be submitted in journals, conferences, and reports.
The researchers shall take adequate care to ensure that their research reports, knowingly or unknowingly, are not copies of reports published earlier by other workers. Not to plagiarize, even if the other work or data source is cited occasionally
The researchers shall try their best to bring their research findings into public domain by appropriate timely publication(s) for the furtherance of the research process
Observe safety practices and protection of the Environment in all our research activities.

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