Bharati Vidyapeeth's

Institute of Management & Information Technology

Navi-Mumbai, Mumbai

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Faculty Development Program

FDP and SDP Cloud Computing Services & Identity Management”

Bharati Vidyapeeth’s IMIT organized one day online Faculty Development Program and Student Development Programon 24th September 2022 on “ Cloud Computing Services & Identity Management” for Faculty Members and students of MCA department. Ms. Sneha Borge Cloud Engineer, from Mumbai was the trainer for this FDP & SDP. Session started at 11:00 a.m This online hands on session was conducted to understand could computing concepts and MCA sem 3 students and faculties attended the FDP & SDP session and got beneficial organized by Dr. Jyoti Kharade , Dr Kirti Muley and Prof Nidhi


FDP Coordinators: Dr. Priya Chandran, Assistant Professor, and Prof. Sudeshna Roy, Assistant Professor, BVIMIT organized a one-day online FFDP and SDP on 12th March 2022 on “Data Warehousing – Hands-on Session.” Mr. Raviraj Kuber, Sr. Data Associate, Cognizant, Mumbai, was the trainer for this event. The session started at 10:00 a.m. Dr. Priya Chandran, Assistant Professor, BVIMIT, introduced and welcomed the guest and participants. The inaugural address was given by Dr. Suhasini Vijay Kumar, Principal, BVIMIT. This online hands-on session was conducted to understand creating a dimensional data warehouse model, ETL, working with Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and an AMA session. A vote of thanks was given by Mrs. Sudeshna Roy, and online feedback was taken from participants.

FDP & SPD “Implementation of Cloud Computing Services & Identity Management”

Bharati Vidyapeeth’s IMIT organized a one-day online Faculty Development Program (FDP) and Student Development Program (SDP) on October 9, 2021, on “Implementation of Cloud Computing Services & Identity Management” for faculty members and students of the MCA department. Ms. Sneha Borge, Cloud Engineer from, Mumbai, was the trainer for this FDP & SDP. The session started at 12:00 PM. Prof. Nidhi, Assistant Professor, BVIMIT, Navi Mumbai, introduced and welcomed the guests and participants. The inaugural address was given by Dr. Suhasini Vijay Kumar, Member Ad-Hoc BOS (MCA), Principal, BVIMIT, Navi Mumbai. This online hands-on session was conducted to understand cloud computing concepts. E-certificates were mailed to registered email IDs. A total of 107 participants attended the FDP & SDP session, which was organized by Dr. Jyoti Kharade and Prof. Nidhi.

FDP on “Big Data Analytics with Hadoop –Hands on Training”

Four days online FDP on “Big Data Analytics with Hadoop –Hands on Training” is organized by Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Institute of Management Information Technology (BVIMIT), Navi Mumbai, in Association with FOSLIPY consultancy Services on 28th September – 1st October 2021. Objectives of FDP • Enchase the programming skills using big data technologies such as Map Reduce, Hive, Pig and MongoDB • Use Spark shell and Spark applications to explore, process, and analyze distributed data • Build No SQL Database and Query it Using Mongo DB Platform: Google Meet Resource Person: Mr. Sohan Kotkar, Hadoop and Big Data Engineer,Deloitte

2 Day FDP & Orientation on Software Testing Quality Assurance Lab

A 2 day Online FDP and orientation on MCAL35Software Testing Quality Assurance Lab for MCA SEM III was organised by Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Institute of Management & Information Technology & NCRD’s Sterling Institute of Management Studies in Association with Squad InfoTech & University of Mumbai on 6th & 7th September 2021. The objective of this fdp was to:- • Understand the essential characteristics, requirements and usage of Automation tool like Selenium Web Driver • Understand Test Ng and automation framework basic • Understand the basic concepts of software quality assurance. Following was the schedule of the FDP:- Mode of Conduct: Online Zoom Meeting Date: 06th and 7th September 2021

SDP & FDP on “Robotic Process Automation”

SDP & FDP was conducted on “Robotic Process Automation” for MCA students and Staff by expert Mr. Omkar Dalal on 10th July 2021 (11:30 am - 2:30 pm).

Online Faculty Development Programme on “Advanced Java”

Bharati Vidyapeeth’s IMIT organized two days online Faculty Development Programme on 3rd & 4th February 2021 on “Advanced Java” for Faculty Members from MCA stream under university of Mumbai. MR. Omprakash Mandge Assistant Professor, MET Institute of Computer Science, Mumbai was the trainer for this event. Session was started at 10:00 a.m Dr. Jyoti Kharade Ad-Hoc BOS(MCA), Associate Professor, BVIMIT, Navi Mumbai introduced & welcome the guests and participants. Inaugural address was given by Dr. Suhasini Vijay Kumar Member Ad-Hoc BOS(MCA), Principal, BVIMIT, Navi Mumbai and Dr. Murlidhar Dhanawade Professor & HOD (MCA) at NCRD's Sterling Institute of Management Studies, Navi Mumbai,Member, Board of Studies, MCA, University of Mumbai. This online hands on session was conducted to understand Spring Framework, Data Access using Spring Framework and build Java EE applications using Spring Boot and spring Boot RESTful Web Services. On second day in the end of event online feedback was conducted from participants.

Skill Development Program on "Full Stack Development".

Skill Development Program for Faculty Members and Students was organized in association with Foslipy Pvt Ltd. The 4 Days Skill Development Program was held from 1 June to 4 June 2020. Webex Online Platform was used for this Skill Development Program. Study Material covering Full Stack Content, Full Stack Presentation, Problem Statement with Solution and Assignment & E-Certificate were given to all the Participants. The resource person was Mr. Ankur Ranjan, from vPhrase Analytics Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 40 Faculty members and 30 Students participated in the Skill development Program from various places like Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Pune, Gujarat, Sindhudurg, Bihar, Tamil Nadu, Chhattisgarh, Palghar, Assam, and Ratnagiri. Topics covered included the installation of Django, understanding Git, setting up version control, Python core, Django framework, implementing full-stack applications using Django, cloud application deployment, domain setup, etc. Students and Faculty members were made aware of the career options that would pave the way for brilliant career opportunities. The session was interactive and beneficial for both students and Faculty members.

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