Bharati Vidyapeeth's

Institute of Management & Information Technology

Navi-Mumbai, Mumbai

Approved by AICTE New Delhi, Affiliated to University of Mumbai
NBA Accredited till June 2023.
DTE Code: MC 3162
Contact Us: 022-27578415, +918657008016
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IQAC Internal Quality Assurance Cell

IQAC Committee

S.No Academic Year IQAC Committee Member List
1 2024-2025 IQAC Committee Member List 24-25
1 2023-2024 IQAC Committee Member List 23-24
2 2022-2023 IQAC Committee Member List 22-23
3 2021-2022 IQAC Committee Member List 21-22
4 2020-2021 IQAC Committee Member List 20-21

IQAC Events

How to transform Oneself to become a Successful Entrepreneur/Employee in the Rapidly Changing World

“Understanding the changing landscape have different parameters including technology, data, funds, pricing, quality, work culture, customer expectations are the needs for entrepreneurships. Industry revolution and society 5.0 with respect to people and performance is important. Big data benefits, Generative AI reshaping the future for businesses. Employee-Employer partnership and mentorship is need for modern workforce and are the traits for successful employees”, explains Lt. Col. Sanjay Shrivastava. As a management mentor advising startups and young professionals, understands the importance of nurturing talent and fostering a culture of excellence. Vision-driven approach and dedication to organizational growth make him an invaluable asset to education institutions seeking to adapt and thrive in an ever-evolving landscape. By leveraging expertise in leadership, innovation, and strategic planning, to help educational institutions shape the future leaders of tomorrow. Bharati Vidyapeeth’s IMIT Navi Mumbai IIC and IQAC organized Expert Talk on “How to transform Oneself to become a Successful Entrepreneur/Employee in the Rapidly Changing World?”, The expert talk was conducted by eminent speaker Lt. Col. Sanjay Shrivastava which was organized for MCA students of BVIMIT by Dr. Pratibha Deshmukh, Ms. Shubhangi Mahadik, Dr. Kirti Muley, Principal Dr. Suhasini Vijaykumar and vice Principal Dr. Jyoti Kharade BVIMIT attended the session.

Free health check camp & BLS & First AID training

BVIMIT, Navi Mumbai IQAC and Women Development Cell organized free health check camp on Saturday 11th June 2022 in association with Apollo Hospital Navi Mumbai . In the session BLS & First AID training was given to the faculties, non teaching staff and students by Dr. Jaspreet Singh. BLS course trained the participants to promptly recognize several life-threatening emergencies, give high-quality chest compressions, deliver appropriate ventilations and provide early use of an AED. Session highlights was: High-quality CPR for adults, children, and infants, AHA Chain of Survival, specifically the BLS components and important early use of an AED. In the camp RBS (Random Blood Sugar), Blood PRESSURE, BMD(Bone Mineral density), Eye Checkup and doctor consultation was organized. All teaching, non teaching staff and students from bharati navi Mumbai belapur campus took benefit of the camp.

“How To Conduct Online Classes Through Microsoft Team”

IQAC of BVIMIT organized a FDP for Faculty members on Saturday,11th July 2020 from 4:00 pm to 6:00pm. Microsoft Team online platform used for this FDP. Ms.Shubhangi mahadik , Assistant Professor of BVIMIT,was the resource person.All the Faculty members of BVIMIT attented the faculty development peogram. Topic covered were How to shedule lectures,share PPT/Screen ,invite a participants, shedule assignment/Quiz,and take attendace during lecture etc.It was an interactive session with demostartion and quiz and faculty members were benifited.

Webinar on “Fundamental Human Rights as Enshrined in the Constitution of India”

Bharati Vidyapeeth's Institute of Management & Information Technology (BVIMIT) Women Development Cell in Association with IQAC, Organized Webinar On “Fundamental Human Rights as Enshrined in the Constitution of India”on 2nd July 2020 for Faculty Members of Bharati Vidyapeeth’s various institutes of Navi Mumbai campus. Webex Online Platform was used for this webinar. In the webinar Keynote Speaker: Adv. Mahindra Deshmukh, High Court Mumbai provided knowledge about different articles in constitution of India. The session was interactive.

Webinar on "Online Teaching Tool- Learnico”

IQAC cell of Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Institute of Management and Information Technology (BVIMIT) in association with Maharashtra Knowledge Corporation Limited (MKCL) has organized a webinar for Faculties on “Online Teaching Tool- Learnico” on 11th June 2020. Mr. Deepak Prakash, Program Coordinator, Pro Next MKCL, was the resource person for the same. The new online teaching tool “Super Learner” was presented and features of the application were presented to the faculties. It was an interactive session with demonstration of power point presentation and quizzes for student. Session ended with question answer session. All the faculties of BVIMIT attended the webinar. The webinar provided an insight of the new online interactive teaching tools. The feedback was collected online from the individual faculty.
IQAC Organizing team
1. Dr. Suhasini Vijaykumar (Chairman)
2. Ms. Uttara Athawale (IQAC COORDINATOR)
3. Dr. Pratibha Deshmukh
4. Ms. Sudeshna Roy
5. Dr. Kirti Muley
6. Dr. Deepali Shahane
7. Mr. Deepak Prakash (Alumini& Program Coordinator ProNextMKCL)
8. Mr. Amol Ghatage

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